
Please close other open browser pages, especially those that may be using the webcam/microphone.

For the best sound quality, it is recommended that you find a quiet space. Use a computer with an audio headset to isolate sound from the master video. User feedback has suggested the standing position to provide the best vocal quality for recording.

A microphone is needed for vocal recording, which can be a part of the headset or freestanding.

Each contributor should imagine performing alone on stage, to provide the highest quality for the final combined performance.

If you wish to include a video, your computer should have a functioning webcam.

For computers that have multiple webcams, headsets and microphones, individual components can be selected prior to recording time that will provide the highest quality recording. For example, while a webcam is great for video, the attached microphone may not be optimal for vocal recording. Voiceloom allows you to choose multimedia components individually for the best vocal recording.

Typically, dedicated microphones provide better sound quality than those included with laptops or webcams. Today, even low-cost dedicated microphones provide excellent sound quality.

Go to the Voiceloom Recorder Page

Use the following link to go to the Voiceloom Recorder page, which will open separately.

Choose the Master Video File

On the left side of the page, locate the label “Choose Master Video Clip to Play” and the green button below it.

Click the green button to see the available choices for the current project. In this case, there are “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” or “OCAYF-Soprano.mp4,” “OCAYF-Alto.mp4,” “OCAYF-Tenor.mp4” etc. Click the file that you would like to accompany.

Once the video is selected, it will appear in the Master Video Player screen and will begin playing to confirm the selection. The Play/Pause button can start/stop the video, and the trackbar along the bottom can be used to rewind the video to the starting position.

Master Video File is Chosen:

Recording Setup

The recording process treats video and audio separately. For each audio recording, the user can choose to include video or not.

For audio and video recording, the setup process prepares the system for the user to begin recording, but not until he or she is ready.

If only audio recording is desired, locate the green button near the bottom labeled “Click to test Audio” and click it.

This will open up some options to choose the desired microphone if more than one are available.

To add video, locate the “Start Camera” button and click it. This will not begin recording, but prepares the system for the selection of the appropriate webcamera and recording parameters. You may be asked to grant permission to use the webcam.

Next, select the desired webcam and microphone from the dropdown buttons, if more than one are available. Then select the video resolution (HD1080 is best, or UHD2160 if your camera supports this), and the audio resolution (1GB bps). If resources are limited, please prioritize the highest audio over the highest video quality.


Begin Recording

When ready to record, for webcam video and audio click the Record button; for audio only, click the “Start” button. A timer is located below the preview window and will show the elapsed time of the recording.

In the Master Video Preview section, use the “Play” button for the master video which will be heard through the earphones. By now, the system is recording, so you can perform into the selected microphone.

When finished recording, click the “Stop” button in the recording section. The recording can then be previewed.

If satisfied with the recording, click the “Upload to Server” button, which will send the recording to the website. If desired, click the “Download” button to save a copy for yourself.

The recording process as well as uploading and downloading can be completed any number of times!